Submit a New Notification/Permit

Payment is required at the time the notification is submitted.

  • Credit card payments — contact the Customer Service Centre by phone: 1-877-372-7233. 
  • Cheque or money orders — download and complete the applicable form, and mail it to:
    Electrical Safety Authority, 400 Sheldon Drive, Unit 1, Cambridge, ON, N1T 2H9 
  • Contact the Customer Service Centre for a fee estimate prior to sending a cheque/money order.

Ways to submit your completed form:

Phone 1-877-372-7233
Mail → 400 Sheldon Dr., Unit 1, Cambridge, ON, N1T 2H9



New Residential 

New installations on residential premises, includes modular/prefab homes, multi-unit residential complexes (row-house, townhouse, semi-detached, duplex, triplex and quadruplex)

Download PDF Download New Residential form (PDF)  divider  Download Excel Download New Residential form (Excel)

Residential Renovation

Renovation of individual residential units, which includes multi-unit buildings with 4 or fewer units, basement apartments, granny suites, detached outbuildings, and rewires

Download PDF Download Residential Renovation form (PDF)  divider  Download Excel Download Residential Renovation form (Excel)


New installations (new apartment building/retirement home) and renovations of apartment units, multi-unit residential buildings with a common entrance and 5 or more dwelling units, and retirement homes

Download PDF Download Apartments form (PDF)  divider  Download Excel Download Apartments form (Excel)

HVAC Small Job

HVAC equipment installations in residential and apartment sites

Download PDF Download HVAC Small Job form (PDF)  divider  Download Excel Download HVAC Small Job form (Excel)



High Voltage

High voltage (primary) installations >750 Volts (Temporary and Permanent)

Download PDF Download High Voltage form (PDF)  divider  Download Excel Download High Voltage form (Low Voltage)

Low Voltage

Low voltage (secondary) installations <=750 Volts (Temporary and Permanent)

Download PDF Download Low Voltage form (PDF)  divider  Download Excel Download Low Voltage form (Excel)

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy (solar, wind, other) installations 10 kw or less

Download PDF Download Renewable Energy form (PDF)   divider  Download Excel Download Renewable Energy form (Excel)

Neon Sign

Inspection of the wiring of signs & outline lighting installations (includes skeletal neon, outline lighting, and signs with remote transformers or ballasts)

Download PDF Download Neon Sign form (PDF)  divider  Download Excel Download Neon Sign form (Excel)



Permission to Show/Energize

For trade show exhibitors with unapproved equipment that wish to display but not to connect or provide electricity to the equipment or for trade show exhibitors that wish to connect and energize (provide electricity) unapproved equipment.

Download PDF Download Permission to Show/Energize form (PDF)  divider  Download Word Download Permission to Show/Energize form (Word)


For entertainment notifications/permits including all television, film, commercial, live performance, carnivals, trade shows, or event productions including but not limited to live productions regardless of site or location.

Download PDF Download Entertainment form (PDF)  divider  Download Excel Download Entertainment form (Excel)


Other Notifications/Permits for Inspection

Re-Energize Electrical Service

Energize electrical service to a site (due to non-occupancy, non-payment, fire, flood, explosion, lightning strike, other disaster, meter by-pass, grow op/meth lab)

Download PDF Download Re-Energize Electrical Service form (PDF)  divider  Download Excel Download Re-Energize Electrical Service form (Excel)

Retrofitted Luminaires

ESA has a program for acceptance of retrofitted luminaires in Ontario – click here to view this guide.

A notification of work is required for each project site with retrofitted luminaires. Please note a completed application form must be submitted to process your request; it cannot be completed over the phone.

Download PDF Download Retrofitted Luminaires form (PDF)  divider  Download Word Download Retrofitted Luminaires form (Word)