LDC Online Store

Powerline Safety Materials 

ESA has both occupational and homeowner safety resources to educate Ontarians about the dangers of powerlines, how to stay safe around powerlines, and what to do in an emergency (either at home or on the job).

The following materials can be ordered by completing the online form below. Please note quantities are limited and available on a first come first served basis.

If you wish to receive electronic (downloadable) files, please email esa.communications@electricalsafety.on.ca.

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Order Form

Please note quantities are limited and available on a first come first served basis.

If you prefer downloadable files, please email esa.communications@electricalsafety.on.ca.

*Required fields

Category: Electric Vehicles

EV brochure

Charge Safely EV Brochure

Advice and safety tips for electric vehicle charging system installations.

EV brochure french

Charge Safely EV Brochure - French

Conseils pour la recharge des véhicules électriques (VE) à domicile.

EV factsheet

Charge Safely EV Factsheet (Download only)

Click on the image to open the file; right-click on the image to save it to your computer.


Category: Powerline Safety Week Logos (Downloads Only)

Click on the image to open the file; right-click on the image to save it to your computer.

powerline safety week (colour)

Powerline Safety Week: Colour logo (JPG)


powerline safety week (black)

Powerline Safety Week: Black & White logo (JPG)


powerline safety week (colour)

Powerline Safety Week: Colour logo (PNG)


powerline safety week (black)

Powerline Safety Week: Black & White logo (PNG)


Category: Storm Safety

storm safety door hanger

Storm Hazards Door Hanger

Share with customers who may have experienced electrical hazards related to a storm so they know what to do.

flood safety door hanger

Flooding Safety Info Door Hanger

Share with customers who may have experienced electrical hazards related to flooding so they know what to do.

power surge door hanger

Power Surge Door Hanger

Share with customers whose homes may have been affected by a power surge so they know what they should do.

storm safety door hanger french

Storm Hazards Door Hanger - French

Share with customers who may have experienced electrical hazards related to a storm so they know what to do.

flood safety door hanger french

Flooding Safety Info Door Hanger - French

Share with customers who may have experienced electrical hazards related to flooding so they know what to do.

power surge door hanger

Power Surge Door Hanger - French

Share with customers whose homes may have been affected by a power surge so they know what they should do.

flood safety

Flood Safety brochure — Water + Electricity Do Not Mix

Tips to prepare and reduce the risk of electrical fire & shock during flooding.

flood safety

Flood Safety brochure (French)— L’eau et l’électricité ne font pas bon ménage

Conseils pour se préparer et réduire les risques d’incendie et d’électrocution en cas d’inondation.

Category: Stickers & Tags

look up hexagon sticker

Look Up Sticker: Reminder for construction site workers to “look up” and be aware of powerlines.

green ladder tag

Ladder Tag: Reminder to "look up and look out" for powerlines when using a ladder.

stop. look. live. ladder sticker

Ladder Sticker: Stop. Look. Live. Stay 3 metres back from overhead powerlines.

stop. look. live. french ladder sticker


downed powerlines stay in your vehicle

Powerline Safety Vehicle Stickers: What to do in the case of downed powerlines and vehicle safety.

downed powerlines stay in your vehicle french

Powerline Safety Vehicle Stickers (French): EN CAS DE CHUTE DELIGNES ÉLECTRIQUES.

Category: Heavy Equipment Operators

boom equipment safety

Best Practices for Articulating Boom Equipment (booklet)
Share this guide with operators and workers on the job site to help reduce the risk of an overhead powerline contact.

boom equipment safety french

Best Practices for Articulating Boom Equipment-French (booklet)
Share this guide with operators and workers on the job site to help reduce the risk of an overhead powerline contact.

dump truck best practices

Best Practices for Dump Truck Operators (booklet)
Share this guide with owners/operators to help reduce the risk of an overhead powerline contact.

dump truck best practices french

Best Practices for Dump Truck Operators-French (booklet)
Share this guide with owners/operators to help reduce the risk of an overhead powerline contact.

high reach postcard

High-Reach Equipment Postcard (English)
4 easy steps to reduce the risk of powerline contact.

carte postale

High-Reach Equipment Postcard (French)
4 étapes faciles pour réduire le risque de contact avec une ligne électrique.

powerline poster option 1

Poster 1 (English)
Keep clear, stay safe. Stay 3 metres clear from overhead powerlines.

Affiche Option 1

Poster 1 (French)
Restez à l’écart, restez en sécurité. Restez à 3 mètres des lignes électriques aériennes.

powerline poster option 2

Poster 2 (English)
Look out above. Keep yourself and your tools 3 metres clear of overhead powerlines.

Affiche Option 2

Poster 2 (French)
Regardez en haut. Vous et vos outils devez être à une distance de 3 mètres des lignes électriques aériennes.

powerline poster option 4

Poster 4 (English)
Getting close can be deadly. Keep 10 metres back from downed powerlines and stay safe.

Affiche Option 4

Poster 4 (French)
Se rapprocher peut être mortel. Gardez une distance de 10 mètres des lignes électriques en panne et restez en sécurité.

Category: Arborists & Landscapers

arborist postcard

Arborist Postcard (English)
4 easy steps to reduce the risk of powerline contact.

Arboriste carte postale

Arborist Card (French)
4 étapes faciles pour réduire le risque de contact avec une ligne électrique.

powerline poster option 3

Poster 3 (English)
Look up before you go up. Keep yourself and your tools 3 metres clear of overhead powerlines.

Affiche Option 3

Poster 3 (French)
Regardez en haut avant de grimper. Vérifiez s’il y a des lignes électriques et restez à une distance de 3 mètres.

Category: ESA Inspections

inspection brochure

What You Need to Know about Electrical Inspections Brochure

Learn more about ESA Inspections, and how they help keep Ontarians safe.