Stakeholder Advisory Councils

ESA regularly consults with our safety partners. Gaining their insight and advice helps us anticipate and understand electrical-related harm. Their comments make our plans and campaigns better as we work together to reduce serious and fatal injury, damage and loss.

Our partners help us deliver a safer Ontario. They include the public; local distribution companies; electrical contractors; engineers; and manufacturers. They provide feedback through five stakeholder advisory councils:

  • four advise ESA management
  • one advises ESA’s Regulatory Affairs Committee

The councils help advise ESA on electrical safety initiatives and help advance our safety goals and objectives. Sometimes, we address specific projects or issues through ad-hoc committees or working groups. The Ontario Provincial Code Committee is chaired by ESA management; all other committees vote in a council member as Chair.

Council members commit to a three-year term, and attend four to five meetings each year.

Consumer Advisory Council

Council members advise on emerging electrical-related issues that may affect the Ontario public. The council recommends ways to advance consumer awareness and identifies areas that may need research. Read more about the role of this council and its members.

View current members

Sandy Manners (Chair)

Sunaina Menezes (Vice-Chair)

Lucy Becker

James Boritz

Sue Forcier

Salim Khodari

Kelly McMath

Karim Nazarali

Jennifer Reynolds

Contractor Advisory Council

This council advises ESA on how to improve contractor-related services. It makes recommendations to enhance strategies and policies. It also helps build a collaborative approach that reinforces existing partnerships and builds new relationships within the industry.

Read more about the role of the council and its members.

View current members

Dave Ackison

Ryan Delisle

Joe Kurpe

Doug McGinley

Chris Ruber (Chair)

Matthew Scratch (Vice Chair)

Scott Yemen

ECRA Advisory Council

This council gets feedback from Licensed Electrical Contractors, municipalities and the public. Discussions relate to licensing, exams, registration and certification in Ontario. The council advises ESA’s Regulatory Affairs Committee.

Read more about the role of the council and its members.

View current members

Cameron Hann (Chair)

Larry Shaver (Vice-Chair)

Larry Allison

Kelly Casey

Vince De Gasperis 

Steve Del Guidice 

Leo Grellette 

Joe Kurpe

Catherine Taylor 

Ontario Provincial Code Committee

Members of this council include inspectors, electrical contracting companies and general interest groups. It provides recommendations and comment on new proposals or revisions to the Electrical Safety Code.

Read more about the role of the council and its members.

View current members

Nansy Hanna, ESA (Chair)
Brittany Ashby
Malcolm Brown
George Chelvanayagam
Mel Fruitman
Vladimir Gagachev
Phil Lasek
Rick Leduc
Martin Lem
Chris Magnusson
Peter Olders
Tim Pope
Andrew Pottier
Eerik Randsalu
Dave Sinclair
Robert Smith
Adam Zubczyk

Utility Advisory Council

The Utility Advisory Council helps identify, monitor and reduce electrical safety incidents and fatalities related to Electrical Distribution Safety System. Members also make recommendations on new proposals or revisions to the Electrical Safety Distribution Regulation and guideline.

Read more about the role of the council and its members.

View current members

Peter Petriw (Chair)

Sushma Narisetty (Vice Chair)

Authur Berdichevsky

Alex Braletic

Greig Cameron

Edward Donkersteeg

Dan Driegen

Ajay Garg

Scott Glazer

Patrick Fee

Faisal Habibullah

Bryon Hartung

Alain Leger

Sandy Manners

Rohit Nehru

Tony Pereira

For more detailed information on the councils:

Read about why and how we ask for your advice in our stakeholder engagement principles

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