

Window Washer Resources

Order free powerline safety materials

Your job isn’t worth dying for. Always stay 3 metres away from overhead powerlines and remember to identify all powerlines on your job site before starting any work.

  • Powerlines are one of the leading causes of electrical death in Ontario. 
  • You don’t have to touch a powerline to get a deadly shock. Electricity can jump or “arc” to you or your tools and equipment if you get too close.  

Share our free materials to help remind yourself or your team about powerline safety.

Enter your information in the form below and we will print and ship the materials to you at no cost. Quantities are limited and orders will be fulfilled on a first come first serve basis.  Available for those in Ontario only. 


window washer postcard

Simple postcard

This 4” x 6” card is double-sided with reminders about powerline safety. Ideal for window washers that want to learn more.

window washer sticker

Reminder sticker

Could a sticker save your life? Stick this helpful reminder in your work vehicle so powerline safety is always top of mind.