
lightning strike

Storm Safety

Severe storms are a reality in Ontario, and they can present serious electrical dangers. Make sure you’re prepared.
Flood Safety
Wind Storms
Ice Storms
Power Surges and Damaged Electrical Equipment
Power Outages
Generator Safety
Restoring Power
power line tower

Powerline Safety

Powerline incidents can happen in an instant and can be deadly. Find out how to protect yourself and what to do in case of emergency both at home and on the job.
Powerline Safety at Home
Homeowner Landscaping & Tree Pruning
Myths & Facts
Vehicle Safety
First Responders
Construction Workers
Dump Truck Operators
Landscapers & Arborists
Electrical Safety on the Farm
Order Powerline Safety Materials
home living room and kitchen

Home Electrical Safety

Keeping yourself, your home and your family safe is your number one concern. We have lots of easy-to-follow tips to ensure you and your loved ones aren’t at risk of electrical injury.
Indoor Safety
Outdoor Safety
Preventing Electrical Shocks
Homeowner Handbooks
Product Safety Tips
Holiday Safety
Cottage Safety
Dock Safety
Youth Safety
worker with safety hat

Occupational Safety

Occupational electrical-related fatalities are a significant and ongoing problem and a particular hazard to those who routinely work near electrical sources.
Don’t Work On Energized Equipment
DIY electrical projects can kill you