Reporting Electrical Product Safety Concerns/ Electrical Incidents

How do I report suspected product safety concerns?

If you see an unapproved electrical product for sale, or have purchased an unapproved product, or a product with a safety issue, contact ESA at 1-877-ESA-SAFE or fill out an Online Reporting Form.

What types of product safety issues does ESA deal with?

ESA responds to product safety issues such as: 

  • Unapproved electrical products offered for sale;
  • Certified commercial or industrial electrical products that have safety issues;  
  • Approved electrical products that do not meet the product safety standards; and
  • Unsafe heat recovery systems that pose fire hazards.

Learn more about product safety here.

How do I report a serious electrical incident?

When a serious electrical incident occurs, first seek medical attention. Tell the health care provider that the injury involved electricity. The facility owner, contractor or operator must report the incident within 48 hours under the Ontario Electrical Safety Code. Call the Electrical Safety Authority at 1-877-372-SAFE (7233). If it is a workplace injury, you must also call the Ministry of Labour. 

Serious incidents that must be reported include: 

  • Any electrical contact that causes death;  
  • Any electrical incident that causes critical injury. This includes an injury that involves risking life, major loss of blood, loss of limb, unconsciousness, fracture or amputation of arm or leg (but not fingers or toes), burns to a major part of body, loss of an eye; 
  • Any fire or explosion or any condition suspected of being electrical in origin which might have caused a fire, explosion, loss of life, critical injury to a person or damage to property; 
  • Any electrical contact with electrical equipment operating at over 750 volts; and
  • Any explosion or fire of electrical equipment operating at over 750 volts.

How do I report a serious electrical incident involving an electrical product?

To voluntarily report an incident involving an electrical product fill out our reporting form located here.