Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) Launches New Safety Campaign Targeting Young Electrical Tradespeople
MISSISSAUGA, ON (October 12, 2022) – The Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) announced the launch of a new digital safety campaign targeting the next generation of young electrical tradespeople to adopt a safety-first mindset.
“Think of safety as a full-time job with no breaks. It should always be your top priority. These young electrical workers are our future ESA inspectors and safety should never take a back seat to expediency or money. We need all workers to stay 100% vigilant, 100% of the time,” said Electrical Safety Authority CEO Josie Erzetic.
“Our electricians and electrical tradespeople are key to building a stronger Ontario and growing our economy,” said Kaleed Rasheed, Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery. “By increasing awareness and education about safety in the workplace, we’re helping attract, support, protect workers and consumers and making Ontario one of the best places to work, live, and raise a family.”
This digital campaign targets young people studying the electrical trade as an apprentice or in college and reinforces the fact that they must adopt a safety mindset to have a career in the electrical trade.
“Keeping Ontario’s workers safe is our government’s top priority,” said Monte McNaughton, Ontario’s Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development. “Everyone deserves to come home to their loved ones at the end of a hard day’s work. As we encourage more young people to choose these rewarding, well-paying and in-demand careers in the electrical trades, I commend the Electrical Safety Authority for their campaign to promote putting safety first every single day.”
The campaign message, “Safety Isn’t Sometimes” will resonate with both young and seasoned workers.
“Data indicate that electrical-related fatalities are more common among young workers. Practicing safe work procedures and understanding the safety management system to prevent electrical-related incidents will lead to rewarding lifelong careers,” said Joel Moody, Ontario’s Chief Prevention Officer.
The digital campaign will run throughout the fall utilizing online videos, static ads and banner ads on platforms such as Google, YouTube, and Facebook.
Watch the video:
About the Electrical Safety Authority
The Electrical Safety Authority's (ESA’s) role is to enhance public electrical safety in Ontario. As an administrative authority acting on behalf of the Government of Ontario, ESA is responsible for administering specific regulations related to the Ontario Electrical Safety Code, the licensing of Electrical Contractors and Master Electricians, electricity distribution system safety, and electrical product safety. ESA works extensively with stakeholders throughout the province on education, training and promotion to foster electrical safety across the province.
More information on the Electrical Safety Authority can be found at www.esasafe.com, through https://twitter.com/homeandsafety and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ElectricalSafetyAuthority.
Media Enquiries
For further information:
Electrical Safety Authority
905-712-7819 or Media.ESA@electricalsafety.on.ca