ESA Response to COVID-19
UPDATE: March 22, 2022
ESA is working diligently to address the emerging issues during the Pandemic. We continue to focus on the highest safety-related priorities of the province, while protecting our staff and the public.
ESA has updated the following guidance documents for inspections:
Guidance Regarding CSS and Wiring Inspections during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Homeowner Information: How to Prepare for Your Inspection
About the Electrical Safety Authority
The Electrical Safety Authority's (ESA’s) role is to enhance public electrical safety in Ontario. As an administrative authority acting on behalf of the Government of Ontario, ESA is responsible for administering specific regulations related to the Ontario Electrical Safety Code, the licensing of Electrical Contractors and Master Electricians, electricity distribution system safety, and electrical product safety. ESA works extensively with stakeholders throughout the province on education, training and promotion to foster electrical safety across the province.
More information on the Electrical Safety Authority can be found at www.esasafe.com, through https://twitter.com/homeandsafety and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ElectricalSafetyAuthority.
Media Enquiries
For further information:
Electrical Safety Authority
905-712-7819 or Media.ESA@electricalsafety.on.ca