The Frequently Asked Questions knowledgebase is intended to provide information on the Ontario Electrical Safety Code and its application. It does not constitute advice on how to do electrical work and should not be used as a substitute for the services of a qualified electrician or electrical contractor. When using the knowledgebase be aware that the information may not apply to your specific situation.
Do you need an inspection? Do you need to notify ESA about electrical work? What type of inspection do you need? Find answers to these questions and more in our Notifications and Inspections section.
Find answers to frequently asked questions regarding ESA fees.
What is a Licensed Electrical Contractor and where can you find one in your area? How can you tell if your electrician is licensed? Find answers to frequently asked questions about hiring an electrician or contractor.
Who can do electrical work on your property? Answer common questions here.
Find answers to frequently asked questions regarding requests for records and other information.
What is an electrical plan review? Can I get a rush plan review? Do you accept sketches? Find answer to these Plan Review questions and more.
Find answers to frequently asked questions about contractor licensing and master electrician licences.
Where and when are the ME exams taking place? What can I bring to the exam? Find answers to common questions regarding the Master Electrician Exam.
Find answers to common questions about Administration & Compliance for contractors.
What is an Administrative Penalty and how are they issued? Find answers to common questions about Administrative Penalties for contractors.
What is ESA’s role in product safety and what products does the safety regulation cover? Learn more about electrical product safety.
How do you report suspected product safety concerns, a serious electrical incident,and more? Find answers to reporting questions here.
Questions and answers about what you can appeal, who can file an appeal, are there fees, and more about the review and appeals process are found here.
What is the Ontario Electrical Safety Code? What is the difference between the Canadian Electrical Code and the Ontario Electrical Safety Code? Find answers to these questions and more.
What should you do if you have a technical question? Find out here.