ESA Warns of Unapproved Electrical Products by Jugs Sports

July 14, 2022 — The Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) is notifying the public about certain unapproved electrical products sold in Ontario by Jugs Sports. 

These electrical products are unapproved, have not been tested for compliance with any Canadian Safety Standards and do not bear any recognized Canadian certification marks.

Name of Product: Junior Pitching Machine

Sold by: Jugs Sports  

Imported:  Unknown

Manufactured in: Unknown

Sold before: December 2018

Incidents/Injuries: None reported

Remedy:  End users should check markings on the products and make sure the products have recognized certification marks. If no recognized certification mark(s) is found, such products should be unplugged immediately and users should stop using them. View the full list of Recognized Certification Marks


junior pitching machine (tri-pod) example
Example of a machine that may not bear an approval mark.