When do plans have to be submitted?

Electrical work may not start until plans have been reviewed when the installation involves:

  • a three-phase consumer service or standby generation, equal to or over 400 amp circuit capacity
  • a single-phase consumer service or standby generation, equal to or over 600 amp
  • a feeder greater than 1000 amp
  • an emergency power supply for life safety systems (see Section 46), excluding unit equipment
  • consumer-owned electric power generating equipment or energy storage systems, with a rating in excess of 10 kW (Micro Size) as defined by the OEB, and operating in parallel with a supply authority system
  • any installation operating in excess of 750 volts, except:
    • installations of pole lines exclusively within the scope of Section 75
    • that portion of an underground installation between a supply authority-owned transformer and the related supply authority-owned switch
    • equipment replacement as described in Rule 2-010 2) c) and Bulletin 2-11-*