Notification Status

The Notification Status feature of the ESA ON Mobile App (the App) allows users to quickly check the status of an existing notification. 

Notification Status Overview

The list of notifications available via this feature consists of the following: 

  • All Open notifications; and
  • Closed notifications that were closed within the last 6 months. 

The list displays up to a maximum of 100 notifications. If the user wishes to limit the list of notifications, they can refine their search to generate a shorter list. 

The App can search by any or all of the following: 

  • Notification number
  • Site Name
  • Street
  • City
  • PO/Job number

Once a notification is selected from the list, users can view more detailed information about the selected notification, including:

  • Inspector Information 
  • Job Details
  • Supply Authority 

If the notification has Open status, users can navigate directly to the Schedule Inspection and Remote Inspection functions of the App, which are located at the bottom of the display. 


Supporting Documentation

Notification Status Tutorial Video