ESA ON Mobile App
With Electrical Safety Authority’s ESA ON Mobile app (the App), ESA account holders can schedule Wiring notifications for inspection, check the status of notifications, and capture and submit photo/video evidence and related details to ESA to demonstrate the full scope of an electrical installation.
Key features include:
- Search for your open notifications and view current inspection Status and Inspector information
- Schedule notifications for inspection
- Capture photo/video evidence while on-site and submit evidence to ESA with pertinent details for review
- Offline capability (photo/video capture only)
Note: To use ESA ON Mobile, you must have a valid account with ESA and login credentials for ESA Online Services, LEC Portal. Contact the ESA Customer Service Centre for more information.
The same Login ID and Password are used for both the LEC Portal and the App.
For more information, visit one of the links below:
Minimum Requirements to Use the App
Location services must be turned on within the mobile device settings in order to use the Remote Inspection function of the App.
Apple devices supported by the app
Android devices supported by the app
Smart phone or tablet:
Supporting Documentation
Logging onto ESA ON Mobile Quick Tips
Overview of the App: Video