Auditor General Recommendations

On December 7, 2020 the Auditor General of Ontario issued a report on its audit of the Electrical Safety Authority's (ESA's) work. In the report, the Auditor General made 25 recommendations to strengthen our ability to effectively fulfil our mandate. ESA welcomes the opportunity this report provides to strengthen our operations and enhance our effectiveness in ensuring electrical and public safety in Ontario.

ESA Implementation Plan on the Auditor General of Ontario’s Value for Money Audit Recommendations

Updated May 2023

status of 25 auditor general recommendations - 5 on track and 45completed

Note: Statuses noted are based on ESA self-assessment. Final assessment will be completed by the Auditor General of Ontario.

AGR01.1: Refine and further develop ESA’s new risk-based inspection approach so that it will result in fewer inspections of low-risk installations and more inspections of higher risk installations.

ESA Response: ESA will refine the risk-based inspection approach to focus more resources on higher risk installations.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing
ESA's new Risk Based Oversight program was implemented on July 06, 2020. Each notification is scored by risk level, with sample rates defined to assign resources. All activities complete.



AGR01.2: Set a target for the reduction of low-risk inspections and publicly report on its performance against this target.

ESA Response: After accumulating one year’s data on the impact of the new risk-based approach, ESA will establish and publicly report on performance targets on our website

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

A system was implemented to measure effort against inspections by risk rating. Target visit rates were established and monthly results are available on ESA’s website.

All activities complete.

View RBO Target Report.



AGR01.3: Wherever possible without jeopardizing public electrical safety, conduct its inspections remotely.

ESA Response: ESA will further our efforts to enhance the use of remote inspections where public safety is not compromised.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

COVID related remote inspection protocols were launched to the licensed electrical contractor community. Pilots for additional areas were identified and launched. A tracking mechanism for remote inspection activity was established.

All activities complete.


AGR02.1: Review the fees the ESA charges for homeowner installation inspections with an aim to maintain public compliance with electrical safety law.

ESA Response: The ESA’s fee model supports the overall electrical safety system therefore, the ESA agrees to review how to balance cost recovery for its activities and fees that provide value for the public.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Homeowner notifications versus contractor notifications have been compiled and analyzed.

All activities complete.



AGR02.2: Revisit the fee model as a whole to identify where fees can be reduced.

ESA Response: The ESA’s fee model supports the overall electrical safety system therefore, the ESA agrees to review how to balance cost recovery for its activities and fees that provide value for the public.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Under Risk Based Oversight, ESA's fee model was reviewed and consulted on. The reduced fees took effect on July 6, 2020.

All activities complete.



AGR02.3: Identify and implement changes to streamline its operations and reduce operational costs.

ESA Response: The ESA’s fee model supports the overall electrical safety system therefore, the ESA agrees to review how to balance cost recovery for its activities and fees that provide value for the public.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Changes aimed at streamlining and reducing operational costs were identified and implemented. The changes included an effective reduction in operating expenses of 5%.

All activities complete.



AGR03.1: Negotiate with the union representing inspectors to more closely align its reimbursement policy with the Ontario government’s Travel and Meal Reimbursement Directive to allow for meal reimbursements.

ESA Response: The next round of bargaining negotiations will take place in 2023. The ESA will work with the union on a review of the reimbursement policies.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

The Electrical Safety Authority was provided notice to bargain on January 3, 2023 by the Power Workers Union (PWU). The parties have commenced negotiations process on January 23, which is subject to a communications blackout agreement between the parties.

This matter has been actioned by ESA management, and more updates will be available once the agreement has been reached between the parties.

On Track

Target Completion: 
Spring 2023


AGR03.2: As soon as possible provide its inspectors with additional guidance on reasonability of meal expenses.

ESA Response: ESA will follow up with inspectors and provide guidance on meal expenses for themselves and licensed electrical contractors.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Notice given to all inspectors regarding meal expenses on January 12, 2021.

All activities complete.



AGR03.3: Disallow any reimbursements for meals inspectors have with licensed electrical contractors.

ESA Response: ESA will follow up with inspectors and provide guidance on meal expenses for themselves and licensed electrical contractors.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Direction given to all regulatory inspectors prohibiting meal purchases for Licensed Electrical Contractors on January 12, 2021.

All activities complete.



AGR04: To demonstrate and confirm that the ESA operates economically while improving public electrical safety, we recommend that the ESA implement the changes needed to follow all the requirements of the Ontario Government’s Procurement Directive as soon as possible.

ESA Response: ESA is on track to implement the changes needed by the end of this fiscal year.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

ESA implemented changes to align with the Ontario Government's Procurement Directive.

Changes include implementation of vendor response evaluation guidance, performance evaluation and debriefing, incorporating the OPS' VOR, and records retention.

All activities complete.



AGR05.1: To improve the public electrical safety inspection process and confirm that inspectors are checking installations in accordance with its new risk-based inspection policy, we recommend ESA put controls in place to ensure inspectors are not over-inspecting simple installations and under-inspecting more complex installations.

ESA Response: ESA will implement controls and monitor performance against over-inspecting installations according to their risk rating.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Risk Based Oversight was implemented July 06, 2020. Each notification is scored by risk level, with sample rates defined to assign resources by risk level. Number of Inspections completed by risk level is reported and monitored by management.

All activities complete.



AGR05.2: To improve the public electrical safety inspection process and confirm that inspectors are checking installations in accordance with its new risk-based inspection policy, we recommend ESA stop issuing certificates of inspection for installations that require a site visit but are not inspected.

ESA Response: ESA will stop issuing certificates of inspections and instead issue a Certificate of Acceptance for those notifications we do not physically inspect.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Risk Based Oversight was implemented July 06, 2020. Where a notification is passed but not visited, the applicant receives a Certificate of Acceptance.

All activities complete.



AGR06.1: Change its inspection scheduling process to ensure that its inspectors are given the time needed to properly conduct all assigned inspections, and reduce the number of rescheduled inspections required that result from cancellations.

ESA Response: ESA will develop scheduling tools to better align assigned workload with inspector resources. ESA will implement multi-year IT solutions.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Risk Based Oversight was implemented July 06, 2020. This enables ESA to reduce the number of physical inspections assigned to an inspector based on risk.

Build design continues for scheduling wherein an inspector is only assigned the work they can accomplish in a day, based on risk and job content.

On Track

Target Completion: 
Dec. 2023


AGR06.2: Notify people if their scheduled inspections are cancelled.

ESA Response: ESA will develop and implement communication mechanisms to provide notice when inspections cannot be completed as scheduled.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Risk Based Oversight was implemented on July 6, 2020. This includes inspectors advising applicants electronically via text or email, about changes to inspections.

A pilot to expand this notification process on a wider basis began in April 2021. The pilot was made permanent with additional communication functionality including advising applicants of canceled inspections in fall 2022.

All activities complete.



AGR07.1: To help maintain public electrical safety through thorough and consistent inspections of electrical installations, we recommend ESA develop inspection standards and checklists as soon as possible.

ESA Response: ESA will develop and publish inspection standards and checklists for the most common installations, based on volumes.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

ESA developed and published inspection standards and checklists.

All activities complete.



AGR07.2: We recommend ESA make its inspection standards and checklists publicly available.

ESA Response: ESA will publish inspection standards and checklists for the most common installations, based on volumes.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

ESA published and publicly posted inspection standards and checklists on its website.

All activities complete.



AGR07.3: We recommend ESA establish a monitoring process to ensure that the new inspection standards are being followed.

ESA Response: ESA will establish a monitoring process to ensure the new standards are being followed.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

ESA established a monitoring process to ensure the new inspection standards are being followed.

All activities complete.



AGR08.1: To protect the public from fire, electrocution and other possible harm from unsafe installations, we recommend the ESA establish one clear policy on when follow-up must be conducted, addressing both regular and periodic inspections.

ESA Response: ESA will establish clear policies when follow-up must be conducted for each of regular and periodic inspections.

Actions Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Completed inspector guidelines for defect follow up at periodic inspection sites to align with regular inspection sites.

Strengthened corporate procedure to align defect follow-up process with regular inspection follow-up processes.

All activities complete.



AGR08.2: We recommend the ESA test its computer systems for correct functioning, and accurate processing and display of all inspection information.

ESA Response: ESA will continue to test computer systems for correct functioning of inspection information.

Actions Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Systems were updated to display all required information and testing was completed to ensure the changes function correctly.

Continuous monitoring of systems for correct functioning.

All activities complete.



AGR08.3: We recommend the ESA monitor that inspectors are doing follow-up inspections within the set timelines and that unsafe installations are fixed within the required time.

ESA Response: ESA will continue to monitor the rate and pace of follow-up inspections against established target time frames.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

ESA continues to monitor the rate and pace of follow-up inspections against established target time frames.

All activities complete.



AGR09: To enhance public electrical safety, we recommend the ESA verify that industrial facilities that switch from periodic to regular inspections are notifying the ESA of all of their electrical installations.

ESA Response: ESA will institute a more rigorous review of industrial facilities that switch from periodic to regular inspections for their electrical installations.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

ESA has implemented a process to review industrial facilities that switch from periodic to regular inspections.

All activities complete.



AGR10: To enhance public electrical safety, we recommend that the ESA promptly act to implement all of the action items from the consultant reviews of the ESA’s oversight of local distribution companies (distributors) that have not yet been implemented.

ESA Response: ESA has addressed all high-priority items. ESA will continue to address the remaining items not yet implemented.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

ESA has completed the work on remaining items stemming from the third-party review of the ESA’s oversight of local distribution companies, except items related to IT projects (in progress).

All activities complete.



AGR11.1: To ensure regulatory inspections are not negatively impacted by general inspection services that are not required by law, we recommend the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (MPBSD) assess the appropriateness of ESA conducting general inspection services to the public and stop them immediately if it finds this is inappropriate.

ESA Response: This is a joint recommendation with MPBSD. We will assist MPBSD in the determination of the appropriateness of ESA conducting general inspections and recommend a future approach.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Completed an analysis to examine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats with respect to general inspections. Completed review of findings with stakeholder groups. Final response to MPBSD submitted in March 2022.

ESA is no longer providing ElecCheck inspections as of April 4, 2022.

All activities complete.



AGR11.2: We recommend the ESA follow up on any instances of non-compliance with the Ontario Electrical Safety Code in a timely manner, if general inspection services continue to be offered to the public.

ESA Response: ESA will continue to follow up on any instances of non-compliance with the Ontario Electrical Safety Code that represent a risk of imminent fire or shock hazard in a timely manner when we offer general inspection services not required by law.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Notifications were reviewed and all required follow-ups completed by April 4, 2022.

All activities complete.



AGR12.1: To improve compliance with electrical safety laws and reduce the number of illegal electrical installations, we recommend that the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (MPBSD) together with the ESA and industry stakeholders reassess the current restrictions in Ontario where electrical work for the public can only be conducted by licensed electrical contractors to determine if other arrangements are possible for certified electricians and master electricians.

ESA Response: This is a joint recommendation with the MPBSD. ESA will work with MPBSD (and others) to re-assess the current restriction on who can perform electrical installation to see if other arrangements are possible for MEs and Certified Electricians.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

ESA has completed a review of the current framework and identified potential areas for further discussion with stakeholders.

Conducted research and consulted with stakeholders to seek feedback on lower-risk categories of electrical work to evaluate whether they could be performed by MEs or Certified Electricians.

Compilation of a report of ESA analysis and stakeholder input with ESA’s recommendation to MPBSD was submitted in March 2022.

All activities complete.



AGR12.2: We recommend that the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (MPBSD) together with the ESA and industry stakeholders determine whether certified electricians or master electricians can be allowed to perform lower-risk installation work.

ESA Response: This is a joint recommendation with the MPBSD. ESA will work with MPBSD (and others) to determine whether certified electricians or master electricians can be allowed to perform lower-risk installation work.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Completed an assessment of framework related to lower-risk electrical installation work. 

Consultation with stakeholders, including ESA's Advisory Councils (ECRA, CoAC and CAC) held to gain feedback on lower-risk electrical installation work.

A report of ESA’s analysis and stakeholder input with a recommendation to MPBSD was submitted in March 2022.

All activities complete. 



AGR12.3: We also recommend the ESA in consultation with industry stakeholders review and establish reasonable licensing and inspection fees to address the illegal electrical installation market.

ESA Response: As part of its review of the overall fee model, ESA will review reasonable inspection fees.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Reviewed operational costs and considered further fee reduction opportunities to help address illegal electrical installations continues.

All activities complete.


AGR13: To reduce the occurrence of illegal electrical installations, we recommend that the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (MPBSD) together with the ESA work with municipalities to determine whether ESA inspections can be incorporated into the building permit assessment process.

ESA Response: This is a joint recommendation with the MPBSD. ESA will work with MPBSD, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs (MMAH) and Housing and relevant stakeholders in order to determine whether ESA inspections can be incorporated into the building permit process.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Research and jurisdictional scans are complete.

Discussions with a small number of municipalities to verify research and confirm understanding of building permit process is complete.

Assessed whether the ESA inspection/notification process can be incorporated into the building permit process to help address illegal electrical installations, including an engagement exercise with a number of municipalities.

All activities complete.



AGR14.1: To enhance public awareness about the risks associated with hiring unlicensed electrical contractors, we recommend that the ESA re-evaluate its approach to public awareness campaigns to better inform the public on the risks of hiring an unlicensed contractor.

ESA Response: ESA is committed to increasing public awareness of the risks of hiring an unlicensed contractor.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Re-evaluated the approach towards public awareness campaigns and made modifications, where appropriate.

All activities complete.



AGR14.2: We recommend that the ESA educate the public on the differences between a certified electrician, master electrician and licensed electrical contractor.

ESA Response: ESA will look for further opportunities to educate the public and address the differences between licensed electrical contractors, master electricians and certified electricians.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Communications campaign focused on the differences between certified electricians, master electricians and licensed electrical contractors, highlighting the risks of hiring an unlicensed contractor, was delivered.

Analysis of communications campaign was completed. Future communication plans are in place to provide an on-going effort to educate the public on the differences between a certified electrician, master electrician and licensed electrical contractor.

All activities complete.



AGR15.1: The Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (MPBSD) enable the ESA to directly issue monetary fines.

ESA Response: This is a joint recommendation with the MPBSD. ESA will review its processes to ensure that there is a robust mechanism for reviewing and following up on illegal electrical installations.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Bill 13, Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021, amends the Electricity Act, 1998, to enable the ESA to issue administrative monetary penalties.

These changes received Royal Assent on December 2, 2021 and are expected to be proclaimed into force at the same time as the supporting regulatory framework detailing the specifics of the regime.

All activities complete.



AGR15.2: The ESA dedicate sufficient resources to review and follow up on all reported cases of illegal electrical installations.

ESA Response: ESA will review its processes to ensure that there is a robust mechanism for reviewing and following up on illegal electrical installations.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

ESA implemented a mechanism to follow up on 100% of illegal electrical installations.

All activities complete.



AGR16: To strengthen its Master Electrician licensing process, we recommend that the ESA more frequently update the Master Electrician exam with new questions.

ESA Response: ESA has initiated a plan, in conjunction with stakeholders, to review the Master Electrician exam format and the exam questions.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

ESA reviewed its Master Electrician exam questions and newly developed questions have been added.

All activities complete.



AGR17.1: To enhance public electrical safety, we recommend that the ESA work together with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (MPBSD) to implement a continuing-education requirement as a condition of master electrician licensing.

ESA Response: This is a joint recommendation with the MPBSD. ESA is developing a voluntary continuing education program for master electricians.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Analysis, stakeholder feedback and ESA’s recommendations on a proposed continuing education framework has been  submitted to MPBSD for consideration. 

MPBSD’s public consultation closed on April 28, 2022.

ESA is awaiting direction from MPBSD.

On Track

Target Completion:  TBC


AGR17.2: We recommend that the ESA work together with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (MPBSD) to work with the body that oversees the certification of electricians to discuss implementing a requirement for continuing education.

ESA Response: This is a joint recommendation with the MPBSD. ESA will work with the MPBSD and the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development to review the potential implementation of a mandatory continuing education requirement for master electricians.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

MPBSD has held initial discussions with the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development. 

ESA is awaiting direction from MPBSD.

On Track

Target Completion: Spring 2023


AGR18: In light of the wide availability of uncertified electrical products online, the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (MPBSD), together with the ESA and industry stakeholders, should review the current electrical product safety regulation and accordingly, adapt it to the current online market environment.

ESA Response:The ESA will work with the MPBSD, federal partners and stakeholders in this regard. Phase 1 includes research and undertaking a review of the Product Safety Regulation (Ore 438/07). Phase 2 and 3 depends on the outcomes of Phase 1.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Completed jurisdictional scans, regulation review, and established an industry task force.

Meetings held between ESA, Health Canada and MPBSD to discuss current frameworks and processes related to consumer electrical products.

Completed initial consultations with key industry stakeholders.

Work continues to be underway and will be reported next quarter.

ESA to Submit overall report to ministry with ESA recommendation by June 2023.

Assessment of work required in Phase 2.

On Track

Phase 1 Target Completion: 2023
Phase 2 Target Completion: TBC


AGR19.1: To enhance electrical safety, we recommend that the ESA conduct a review, and develop and implement a plan to target the sale and use of unsafe electrical products in Ontario.

ESA Response: ESA is in the process of conducting a review of its product safety program and, in consultation with federal and provincial regulators and stakeholders, developing a renewed Product Safety Strategy.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Interim Product Safety Plan has been developed that outlines an approach to target the sale and use of unsafe electrical products in Ontario (both across online markets and traditional retail channels).

Developed internal procedures to implement the Interim Product Safety Plan while continuing to develop a long-term approach.

Established a standing Focus Group from participants of the stakeholder task force to support education and awareness activities. 

The Interim Product Safety Plan was implemented while continuing to develop a long-term approach.

ESA worked with industry and other stakeholders such as retailers, consumer groups and certification bodies, to discuss and develop consumer education and awareness initiatives identified under the plan.

All activities complete.



AGR19.2: We recommend that the ESA dedicate sufficient resources to review and follow up on all reported cases of unsafe electrical products being sold in Ontario

ESA Response: As part of the renewed Strategy, ESA will review its resources and update its processes to ensure that there is a robust mechanism for reviewing and following up on reported cases

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Completed a business case and additional resources have been dedicated to review and follow up on reports.

December 2020, ESA launched a new Case Management System that tracks reported unsafe electrical products being sold in Ontario. Improvements are being identified and developed on an ongoing basis to improve reporting and case statistics.

ESA consulted with stakeholders on potential enhancements as a result of its new risk-based approach for product safety.

New procedures were developed related to closing files, an audit process for sellers of unapproved products, and a procedure to scan online sales platforms for unapproved electrical products.

ESA continues to follow-up on all reported cases of unsafe electrical products being sold in Ontario.

The enhanced process to address follow-up on reported cases was implemented, including a risk based approach for closing files.

All activities complete.



AGR20.1: To be more responsive to the public in providing timely information on electrical safety, we recommend ESA train staff to respond accurately and completely to all calls with technical questions and assign a sufficient number of employees to this responsibility.

ESA Response: ESA will conduct a review of the methods by which it shares technical information with the public and manages technical questions to ensure that these methods are effective and will train staff accordingly

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

ESA reviewed the methods by which it shares technical information and has trained staff to help the public find the information.

All activities complete.



AGR20.2: We recommend ESA review its policy to increase disclosure of information to callers about licensed electrical contractors’ past performance and licence status.

ESA Response: ESA will also review the categories of information about licensed electrical contractors that are disclosed to the public.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

The policy has been reviewed and revised to increase disclosure of the information to callers about licensed electrical contractors’ past performance and licence status.

Call centre staff have been trained on the information that is to be provided to callers.

All activities complete.



AGR20.3: We recommend ESA review the disclosure provided with respect to licensed entities by Technical Safety BC, and work with stakeholders to identify categories of additional information to be publicly disclosed on licensed electrical contractors.

ESA Response: ESA will also review the categories of information about licensed electrical contractors that are disclosed to the public.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Consulted with stakeholders through the ECRA Advisory Council on the list of eight (8) proposed disclosure categories and received their support to proceed with disclosing information on LECs in the categories identified.

All activities complete.



AGR21: To provide Ontarians with complete and transparent information about the state of electrical safety in Ontario, we recommend that the ESA annually report the results of its investigations of electrical safety incidents, its operational information and complete product safety information after it has been reviewed for accuracy.

ESA Response: ESA will continue to look at ways to provide objective and accessible information about its operations and the state of electrical safety in Ontario as part of its Annual Report and Ontario Electrical Safety Report.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

ESA added the results of its investigations of electrical safety incidents, increased its operational information and now provides complete product safety information in the Ontario Electrical Safety Report.

All activities complete.



AGR22: Replacement of the CEO Board position with a consumer representative.

ESA Response: ESA will work with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (MPBSD) to implement the governance changes necessary.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

ESA’s CEO has been replaced on the Board of Directors with a consumer representative.

All activities complete.



AGR23.1: Establish a documentation and record-keeping process for the appointment of new Board members.

ESA Response: ESA will review its Board appointment processes to confirm that measures are in place to ensure independence as well as retention of appointment documentation. A Board member Training and Development Plan is already in place, which includes education on the importance of Board independence from management.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Completed documentation and developed a record keeping process for the appointment of new Board members.

All activities are complete.



AGR23.2: Establish a process to ensure Board members are independent from ESA’s management.

ESA Response: ESA will review its Board appointment processes to confirm that measures are in place to ensure independence as well as retention of appointment documentation. A Board member Training and Development Plan is already in place, which includes education on the importance of Board independence from management.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Developed a process to ensure Board members are independent from ESA management.

All activities complete.



AGR23.3: Publicly disclose the salaries of all its Board members.

ESA Response: ESA will comply with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (MPBSD) direction regarding disclosure of Board member salaries.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

This matter has been reviewed with the Ministry and the ESA’s Board of Directors.

All activities complete.


AGR24: To ensure that ESA's non-mandatory services are not interfering with its responsibilities under the Acts, we recommend that the ESA work with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (MPBSD) to more precisely define and agree on the scope and level of review work that is required to be performed when engaging a third-party consultant.

ESA Response: This is a joint recommendation with the MPBSD. ESA will work with the MPBSD towards more precisely defining the scope of future third-party consultant engagements.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

Additional scoping criteria has been developed.  

A final recommendation to MPBSD was submitted to MPBSD in Spring 2022 for their consideration, which was accepted.

All activities complete.


AGR25: Establish outcome measures and performance targets for the ESA that focus on cost efficiency and safety in the electricity sector.

ESA Response: This is a joint recommendation with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (MPBSD). ESA will work with MPBSD to review the Administrative Agreement and performance targets that focus on cost efficiency and safety improvement in the sector.

Action Taken Next Steps Status & Timing

ESA and MPBSD worked together to develop performance outcome metrics and targets that focus on cost efficiency and safety improvement.  

Implementation of new metrics and targets has begun.

All activities complete.
