Review Panel Roster

Who is involved in the reviews and appeals process?

The ESA has a number of Statutory Directors who have power under the legislation to make certain decisions. The ESA also has an independent Review Panel to hear appeals of those decisions.  

Statutory Directors — First Level Decisions
Statutory Directors — Reviews and Appeals
Review Panel
Contact the Appeals Office

Statutory Directors — First Level Decisions

The ESA appoints Directors under the Electricity Act (section 113.1) and the Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration Act, 1996 (section 9(1)). Certain Directors make decisions or take action to enforce the legislation. These Directors are responsible for the ESA Orders about electrical safety. They are also responsible for ESA Notices or Provisional Notices of Proposal to refuse, suspend, revoke or impose conditions on an authorization to perform electrical work or operate an electrical contracting business. These Directors may also issue Administrative Penalty Orders against persons in contravention of prescribed provisions of the Act, the regulations or the OESC, an ESA Order or a Restriction, Limitation or Condition imposed by a Director on an authorization.

  • Director of Licensing
    This Director issues Notices of Proposal, Provisional Suspension of Licence or Provisional Refusal to Renew Licence. This Director may also issue Administrative Penalty Orders for a wide range of licensing violations. This authority comes from the Electricity Act, 1998, section 113, and Ontario Regulation 570/05 (Licensing of Electrical Contractors and Master Electricians).
  • Director, Codes and Standards
    ESA appoints the Provincial Code Engineer as a Statutory Director. This Director may issue Orders related to meeting the Ontario Electrical Safety Code.
  • Director of Powerline Safety
    This Director may issue Orders related to meeting the Ontario Electrical Distribution Safety Regulation (O. Reg. 22/04)
  • Director, Product Safety
    This Director may issue Orders related to meeting the Ontario Product Safety Regulation (O. Reg. 438/07).
  • Director, ESA General Mangers
    ESA General Managers are appointed Statutory Directors responsible for overseeing inspections. These Director’s also have the authority to issue orders related to the Ontario Electrical Safety Code and issue Administrative Penalty Orders.

Statutory Directors — Reviews and Appeals

  • Director of Reviews and Appeals
    ESA appoints this Director to conduct Director’s Reviews of disputed ESA Orders or Director’s Hearings for disputed ESA Notices. This Director uses a written process to hear from both the Applicant and ESA staff who made the Order or Notice in dispute. The Director of Reviews and Appeals acts independently from the other Directors to ensure an unbiased and fair decision. This decision can be appealed to the ESA Review Panel. Note that the Director of Reviews and Appeals does not review or hold hearings for Administrative Penalty Orders.
  • Director of Review Panel Appointments
    ESA appoints this Director to be responsible for the Review Panel Roster and the ESA Reviews and Appeals Office. This Director acts independently from the other Directors to ensure an unbiased appeal process.

Review Panel

The Review Panel has members who act independently from the ESA when judging an appeal. The Review Panel hears and decides the appeal in a manner that is fair, accessible and efficient.

Members of the Review Panel Roster are respected professionals from various sectors. They are individuals with experience in hearing and deciding cases, and expertise in relevant ESA-regulated industries. These include product safety, licensing and certification, utilities, standards, and the Ontario Electrical Safety Code.

ESA Review Panel Roster (Effective April 1, 2022)

The Electrical Safety Authority has appointed these members to the ESA Review Panel Roster:

Industry Members

Andrew Bloomfield

Electrical Utilities/Distribution

George Matai

Electrical Utilities/Distribution

Darren Desrosiers

Electrical Utilities/Distribution

Patrick Griffin

Electrical Utilities/Distribution/Product Safety

Lee Lawrence

Master Electrician/Health & Safety

Michael Mankulich

Master Electrician/Electrical Contractor

Jeff Dunn, M.E.

Master Electrician/Electrical Contractor

Rainer Arocena

Master Electrician/Electrical Contractor

Ralph Van Haeren

Retired ESA General Manager

Public Presiding Members

Reena Goyal, JD, LL.M.

Energy and Infrastructure Law, Regulatory, Dispute Resolution

Richard Austin

Economics, Finance, & Regulatory 

Daniel Pugen

Employment & Labour, Grievance Arbitration

The ESA appointed these Review Panel Roster members to take over from previous members, whose term expired on Sept. 29, 2019. An overlap between the exiting and entering Rosters provided a smooth transition and exchange of expertise. 

Reviews and Appeals Office

The Reviews and Appeals Office provides administrative support for the processes used to dispute ESA decisions. The ESA has a small number of cases, and relies on staff support from the Manager of Reviews and Appeals.

Contact the Manager of Reviews and Appeals at:

Shelley Valencia
Tel: 905-712-5673
Fax: 905-712-7865

For more information: